3/4/2017 – Success the first time!!! Turned out great with nice slightly sweet chewy bites.
3:00 PM – This is our first ever attempt at dehydrating something and we used a dehydrator given to us by Gene Katherine. It does not have a temperature adjustment or fan.
Sliced the bananas long ways at 1/4″ thick with the mandoline. The bananas were very ripe with brown spots on the skin as we wanted them to be sweet for the grand girls. The apple was a large Golden Delicious that we sliced on the mandolin to 1/4″ thick.
Put them on four trays in the unit and inserted the Chefworks probe in through the lid.
After an hour the temp rose from 107 to 111 as read by the ChefWorks probe hanging in the center from the vents in the lid.
3/5/2017, 10 AM – Temp is up to 144. Mary rotated trays.
2:00 – The bananas look very shriveled and dry. Tried one and it was sweet and “leathery”. Removed the top trays and tried the apple. They too were shriveled, thin and the dark red skins are now almost black. Nice flavor. Very nice for first every dehydrating effort.
The smaller thinner pieces were very close to being chips.