First Pork Butt on the RecTec

11/7/2021 – We had two small pieces of a pork butt that would not fit on the Kettle last spring so we vac-packed and froze them. They had been dry brined and rubbed with 6POGS in March of this year; i.e. 8 months ago. They turnedout great with the dark un-burnt bark being the best we ever achieved.

  1. Preheated recteq to 225ºF.
  2. The two pieces smoked for 4 hours
  3. Pulled, double wrapped in thin aluminum foil but first shook on more 6POGS and poured in ACV. Wraped tightly in the foil then put into the oven at 250°.
  4. Turned off about 2 hours later and went to get Mary’s new glasses.
  5. Back home about 4:45. Pulled, poured off a lot of juice, and they were very tender but not falling apart. Bark was tasty and not burned tasting. Great!!!

Very moist maybe due to the very long brine and seasoning in the vac pack in the freezer. Maybe also due to the tight, double layer, wrapping