No. 7 Griswold Cast Iron Skillet

No. 7 Griswold Cast Iron Skillet, Flat Bottom, 701D, Block, Large Logo

Bought on Ebay on Jan 06, 2013 for $18.51 plus $14.95 for shipping. When it arrived it was warped and there was the heavy pitting on the cooking surface you see in the photo. I put it in the electrolysis bath but that did not help the pitting that I hoped was baked on crud.

Therefore, I bought an 80 and 120 grinding disks and ground out the face of the deep pits. The 120 grit left it fairly polished…but still warped of course.

Manufactured between 1919-1940 per

No7 Griswold Cast Iron Skillet Bottom

No7 Griswold Cast Iron Skillet top