12/7/2019 – The first mustard in the big garden is finally doing well so we have plenty for experiments. Fermenting sounds like a good approach so we made our first Mustard Greens Kraut. It turned out tasty with the carrots and stems firm but much too salty.
- 424 gm green cabbage from Greers
- 424 gm mustard leaves and stems for the garden
- 283 gms carrots from Greers. Set this value as 25% of the total and computed the amount of cabbage and mustard at half of 75% or 37.5% each. That equates to 424 gms of each.
- 6 avg cloves of garlic
- Canning salt at 1.7% of 4×283=1132 or 29 gms.
- chopped the cabbage to the usual size
- rolled the mustard leaves around the stems and sliced thinly. Cross-cut the slices to make ribbons.
- Grated the carrots in the food processor
- peeled and chopped the garlic into 1/4″ size chunks.
- mixed all well with salt
- packed into a 1/2 gallon mason jar. Almost full so plenty of room for the glass weight.