No. 4 Wapak skillet with the tapered logo
Won on Ebay on Feb 18, 2013 for $36.05 plus shipping for $9.95 from Redding, California. sell was cosmiccache; aka Brandi, brandijturney@gmail.com. Scroll down to read what she wrote about the history of the skillet.
This “little guy” as Brandi called it, is Mary’s favorite small skillet, as of spring 2013. When we saw it and the slightly greater depth than the others and the high polish bottom we began to buy more Wapaks.
Note Brandi’s note below about its history.
After winning it I wrote and asked for history and any background. Below is Brandi’s response.
“HI! And congrats on the high bid!
I live in Redding and this came from an estate up the way in Anderson, California. She was a 40 something year old lady who past away and her mother was having a sale 2 weekends ago….which was going on 2 days after the ladies death. She had a
lot of stuff…and I mean a lot!
To make a long story longer, my son and I had just moved here from Texas…kind of blindly…starting over. I saw people taking advantage of her mother, CJ. The little pink and white farmhouse was wet from rain…emotions were everywhere. I offered to go through and pick out the valuables and sell them on ebay, then split the money…they were trying to pay for a funeral. I had rent due.
Today, i am moving into that little pink and white house and it is a happy day.
This little skillet was in the sink with food in it. I wish i would have grabbed the gigantic dutch oven that i pulled out from under a board in the floor of the cabinet. I was just so excited I set it aside and let this older gentleman have it. So, I don’t know the history of the care of the little guy BUT I do know that I scrubbed it lightly with a kitchen sponge and mild soap…dried it well (i remember my mom using the gas stove to dry ours but i have a dumb acting electric one and i didn’t want to chance it). I rubbed a couple drops of oil on it for picture day and i can ship it out tomorrow!
I hope you enjoy it. I have had it hanging here on my wall by the computer. I guess if it would have had a Indian Chief head it would have been worth more. I have a ton of stuff to list and I got to get loaded up.
Have a great day! Let me know how it works out!!