Pork Loin Smoked in a Pan

This smoked followed one done by SmokinAl at SMF where he said he always smokes meat in an aluminum pan with a broth. This cook began the afternoon before, June 3, 2016,  when Mary dry brined it with Adam Perry Lang’s Four Seasons.

March 4, 2016, 3:00 PM Removed it from the refer and top dressed the cross hatched thin fat cap with cayenne and soy sauce.20160604_163934

4:00 – Had preheated MES40 to coast up to 255 so set at 250 and inserted loin in an aluminum pan with canned chicken stock about 3/4″ deep. Box is lightly filled with smoke from the AMZNTS with hickory pellets. Have ChefAlarm air probe on back side of third rack from the top just behind the meat pan. MES meat probe inserted into loin read 52°. [should have heated the broth and not inserted meat probe until after 2 hours for hygiene reasons].

4:15  Grate temp with ChefAlarm is back to 261. Box set at 250 and it just cut off.

5:00 – Grate is 260 and IT is 93.

5:30 – Grate is 243, Box reads 255 and IT is 112.

6:30 – Grate is 262, box reads 253 and IT is 143 so pulled it out. Rested for maybe 15 minutes.

Sliced in half and center is slightly pink.20160604_184333 Very moist. Looks like all the chicken broth has evaporated and only jus left. Ate dinner.

Sliced the loin at 1/4 – 3/8″ and put into plastic storage container then pour jus over it. [Should have added a little cider vinegar.]