The butt turned out really good on salads and in sandwiches. The 5POGS makes a great bark and adds a touch of spice.
6/9/2018, 7:15 AM, Olivia’s long-awaited 4th birthday – Put a 10.5 lb. pork butt in the MES that was preheated set at 250 and had coasted up to 275. Butt was well seasoned with 5POGS and had been partially opened competition style to allow for more bark and quicker cooking to be sure we can make the 4 pm birthday party at the pool. Smoke was from the AMAZEN tray with 1/3 pecan and 2/3 Chefmasters Mixed Blend pellets.
8:30 – MES is showing temp at 255 and Chefworks air probe says 222. A good steady thin stream of blue smoke.
10:30 – MES says temp is 251 but probe says 230. IT in the money muscle is 152 and in large center point over bone is 121.
~1pm smoke had stopped but Jeff and Maggie dropped by so forgot about it until about 3:30 PM before Olivia’s 4th BDay party. Moved it to the convection oven set at 300 in an alum pan covered with foil. About 5:30 left the party to check on it and it was at 194. About 6 pm it was at 203 so pulled and the meat was tender so left it out to rest.
Bark has a good flavor as does the meat.
Sliced the large chunks with the slicer into thin slices to use in sandwiches and on salads during our next trip to the Farm. Vac pack and froze it. On June 18th, Mary made a sandwich with them and Russian dressing with fresh tomatoes and it was great.