Pork Spare Ribs

Cook did not go well as tray did not burn evenly. 

Bought two racks of spares to have some to take to the farm next weekend. Trimmed the flap, tips and other loose pieces and made our first tasso recorded here. Seasoned everything liberally with Stubb’s Hot Pork rub about 45 minutes ahead of putting into the smoker.

Ambient temp was in the high 80s as was the humidity. Little breeze and cloudy. Quite cool for late August.

Planned to loosely follow the 3-2-1 process. Had the MES hot to 225 by 1:30 PM and put in the ribs on the 2nd and 3rd rack with alum pan below dry to catch drips. Had smoke from the tray although also added some pecan chips to the chip tray while the box was preheating.

3:00 – No smoke and found the tray never really took off despite leaving it on the driveway flaming for almost 10 minutes. Pulled it out and really hit it hard with the propane torch. Put it back into the MES and it kept burning this time.

4:30 – Wrapped racks in alum foil and put back in the MES.

6:00 – Unwrapped and put back in the MES.

6:30 – The meat is dry and looked done so pulled and let rest.


  1. smoked 3 hours at 225;
  2. Wrapped and cooked for 1.5 hours;
  3. unwrapped and smoked without misting for 45 minutes.

It was not fully done and maybe needed another hour with sauce to prevent it drying out.