Pulled Pork Finishing Sauce

First time made at the farm during March 2016 work week. The foil wraps of the two halves of a Pork Butt had caught a lot of dark liquid that I poured into a SS bowl and into the refer to jell. The next morning removed the heavy grease layer to expose beautiful brown jelled drippings.

Heated the jelled drippings and measured it to find there was 1-1/4 cup. Added 1-1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of Stubbs hot pork rub as did not have the usual seasonings used in finishing sauces. Simmered it for 30 minutes or so. Nice addition to the pulled pork making it very moist with a lite spicey tone. The vinegar seemed like it would be too much while heating in the pot but almost did not notice it when poured on the meat.

Next time try the seasonings used in other recipes with the 1:1 ratio of drippings to vinegar.

5/21/2016 – Had 1C jellied drippings from Butt this date that had a heavy rub of course ground black pepper, granulated garlic and cayenne. See My Rub Development post here. Drippings came from the drip pan that had been in the smoke 6 hours plus what drained out of the finished butt in the foil. Added 1C Cider Vinegar and simmered for a while. Added couple shakes of course ground black pepper. Warmed the chopped pork in deep pot slowly then poured over this sauce hot and served. Very nice added moisture.

Next time add a little cayenne.