7/7/2019 – We finished the assembly of our first pickled okra and had a lot of brine left–and still a pile of cucumbers. Grabbed two quart jars, trimmed a pile of small cukes and turned the fire back on for the pots used for the pickled okra a few minutes ago.
- 8/14 & 23/2019 – First tests and they are very good but could be more crunchy. Try doubling the Xtra Crunch.
- 2/16/2020 – They were cold from the refrigerator and were very good. There was a good amount of crunch.
What we did was as follows:
- Sanitized jars.
- trimmed the cucumbers
- cleaned up 8-10 cloves of garlic
- stuffed the whole cukes in the jars with the garlic and jalapeno strips as they were filled;
- poured the very hot brine up to 1/2″ headspace
- processed them in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes
- Did not record in this entry that we added Xtra Crunch but we are sure we did.