June 12, 2016 – This was the second time to try this method as presented by Adam Parry Lang.
Two-bone rib-roast has thawed in refer for two days. Early morning of day of cook split the roast and removed heavy fat. Sprinkle liberally with Four Seasons plus cracked black pepper approximating his measurements. Rendered fat for baste. The ‘steaks’ are about 3″ thick.
Southern Baste – Modified his recipe some. As only used 1 cup of EVOO (he called for 1-1/2 cups) most other ingredients were slightly less than what he called for–hence the “slight” designation below. Note that this time did use the soy sauce, dark brown sugar and rendered fat from the roast..
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
8 tablespoons (1 stick) salted butter
1/2 cup rendered fat from the meat
1 teaspoon (slight) soy sauce
1 teaspoon (slight) Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon (slight) dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons garlic mashed then minced
1/4 tablespoon dried thyme leaves
2 tablespoons minced yellow onion
2 (slight) teaspoons sea or kosher salt
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Continuous thunderstorms kept us from this today so plan to cook it tomorrow, Monday, June 13. Then will whisk into the baste 1/4-C fresh lemon juice and 1/4-C white wine vinegar just before using. Note that there will have been an additional 24 hours aging the baste in the refer and the Four Seasons dry-brining the meat.
Monday, June 13, 2016 – Left work at 4 PM. Mary lite the full chimney about 4:45 before I arrived.
Ambient temp is 85 and humidity is about the same.
About 5:15 the briquettes had settled down so I added some to fill the chimney. By 5:45 they are burning and all but the top were grey. Poured them evenly across the fire grate in the Kettle in a rectangular shape to match the space that will be between the bricks above. Had cut a 3″ diameter pecan log into two 1.5″ thick “cookies” and put one on either end of the briquettes. Placed the top wire grate, two old street bricks on each side and an iron grate from the gas grill across the bricks.
By 6 PM the iron grate was hot. Placed the meat on the iron grate turning about every 1-1/2 minutes and basting the hot top as soon as it turned. Some baste and likely some rendering fat dripped into the fire and small flames appeared as desired to make for more flavor. After four times on each side set them on edge for two times per side. Basting each side as it rotated up.
About 6:30 removed them to the cutting board and cut off the bone. IT ranged from 110-125. The pecan chunks have burned up. They had made a light smoke and burned with nice small flames. Covered the meat in foil to rest per APL. Lowered the upper iron grate to the wire grate level removing one brick on each side. Put the bones back on the iron grate and they cooked fast. Although the coals were now only 1/2 their original size they were very hot. Kept having to move the bones further to the edge and off the flames.
About 6:40 (have rested about 10 minutes) became worried they would cool off too much and not get up to 135-140 before the fire burned too low. Put them on the iron grate that is sitting on the wire grate. Fat began rendering and the baste dripping off so it flamed up badly and consistently. Tried moving them around and turning but could not stop the flames. In 10-15 minutes they were charred and all the flavor built was burned up. Should have recognized that when the bones flamed up too much the larger pieces would be even worse. When the flames could not be controlled I should have quit trying and either: removed the meat and sprayed the coals or; wrapped and finished in the oven or; left the iron grate at the one-brick level so the meat would not have been so close.
Hurriedly prepared a Board Dressing like Langs using: 3 count of EVOO (extra-virgin olive oil); some chopped Cilantro; freshly ground black pepper, and minced garlic. Heated it a little in the heavy small pan. Poured some on the cutting board and cut up the meat that had been too long in the flames. The charred smell and taste of the meat overwhelmed the dressing.
Notes about the baste – Having used the rendered fat and dried thyme this time the baste seemed heavier and not as flavorful. In addition, as I did used only 1C and not the 1-1/2 C EVOO the percent of fat was a bit higher. I had also reduced the butter and should have reduced the rendered fat but do not think that would have made a big difference–it still would have been heavy/greasy. This time also used the brown sugar and soy sauce but could not tell they made any difference with the heavy greasy tone. The sugar may have contributed to the almost bland taste of the baste by hiding other flavors. Again forgot to add the lemon juice and vinegar just before roasting. Next time make it like I did the first time I did this cook.
Next time in the MES – http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/t/110433/prime-rib-new-best-ever and http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/t/239166/smoked-prime-rib-47th-anniversary-dinner