Roasted Turkey and Sausage Gumbo

3/25/2018 – Followed our first cook here fairly closely although began with the carcass from a turkey that, the day before, had been spatchcocked and seasoned under the skin and top with about 50/50 Kit’s Creole Seasoning and 5Pogs.  This was a bit different than at Christmas but was also very good. 

Once it had reached 150 in the breast in the convection oven we wrapped it loosely and let rest. After about 10 minutes I removed the leg-thigh and found the leg joint at the thigh bloody, Put the legs and thighs back into the hot oven for about 15 minutes.

Yesterday we had made giblets with the neck, back, gizzard and heart. (feed the liver to Lady, Duke and Kelley’s three mutts while she is showing her house to potential buyers this first weekend of it being on the market.)

A couple of hours later pulled the meat from all the bones except the drums. Covered the bones with water in the big aluminum kettle and boiled slowly for about 2 hours.

This cook referred to the same cook in Christmas 2017 that is here. That one was inspired by Chef Robert Barker’s recipe on page 41 of Kit Whol’s book New Orleans Classic Gumbos and Soups. The following is what we actually did this time.

1 C flour and 2/3 C corn oil to make the roux.
8 C turkey broth from the turkey that had been rubbed with Creole Seasoning and 5POGS.
2 large yellow onions chopped
3 bell peppers chopped. One was a red bell.
2 links Green Onion Sausage from Bergeron’s sauteed in oil
6 pieces of our homemade tasso
1-8 oz. can of Karbach Hopadillo IPA ale. [Strong smell that was worrisome but it was lost in all the other flavors. Use something else next time.]
3T Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 C Chrystal Hot Sauce
About 2 T garlic minced
1T dried Basil
1T dried Oregano
1T dried thyme
1/4 tsp Cayenne
Leftover turkey

  1. Made the roux to a medium chocolate brown in the large blue enameled dutch oven. Added about 1/3rd of the veggies. Stirred them into the roux and sauteed while Tom went to the store for eggs [as yesterday the girls ate a lot of what we had and they are coming back.]
  2. In a separate skillet sauteed the garlic in bacon grease until it became fragrant then added:
    1. green onion sausage
    2. 6 pieces of tasso cut into smaller pieces
  3. Add to the roux: the beer; Worcestershire; hot sauce; and contents of the skillet. Saute for a bit.
  4. Poured in the turkey stock and everything else to simmer.
  5. Tom made a big pot of rice with the rest of the turkey broth while we waited for the gumbo to simmer–about an hour more. Added the remaining veggies.
  6. Tasted it and added a bit more Crystal hot sauce.
  7. Added a turkey breast chopped into 3/4″ chunks. Let it simmer about 30 minutes then turned it off to rest.

Served topped with chopped fresh green onions.

3/26/2018 – Mary warmed it and served it to Kelley and me. It was even better …but now we have no more leftovers.