The recipe below was first made while at the farm during Christmas 2013. It is based on Paula Deen’s recipe you can view by clicking here. Our version is provided below as edited by Mary.
The first time we only made ½-pound of peas so reduced her quantities by half and substituted a few of our ingredients. The ingredients below are for 1/2 pound of peas.
We used about three cups of spiral-cut ham chopped into about 3/4″ squares.
1/2 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, minced
8-ounces dried black-eyed peas, washed and soaked water which was brought to a boil for 1 hour.
2/3rd of a 12-ounce Rotel tomatoes with green chiles
1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon chili power – we did not have this and I am not such a fan of chili powder so skipped it.1/2 teaspoon A couple of good shakes from a commercial shaker of “freshly” i.e. recently home-ground black pepper
1-1/2 cups water – use homemade chicken stock if you have it handy – we did not this time.
- Add the peas to boiling water and bring back to a boil. Turn off heat, cover and let sit for one hour. Pour off the water.
- In No. 9 cast iron double skillet, saute the ham, onions, and garlic, adding about half the suggested salt and pepper until onions are tender.
- Add diced tomatoes, green chiles, and water. Stir until well blended then add the peas. Add water to have peas covered by no more than 1/2″.
- Add to skillet and cook over medium heat for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the peas are tender. Add additional water, if necessary. Salt and Pepper to taste.
They are now ready to serve……beware, these get better and better as you eat them as leftovers. You will be hooked.