Reverse-Sear Steak 1st cook in the Monogram

This first time ever to cook in new oven was a reverse sear of a Choice T-bone Steak. Put the cold steak seasoned with cracked black pepper into the small oven preheated to 250 convection bake with the oven’s probe set to 125.

Preheated grill to 400 degrees starting at the time the steak was put into the convection oven.

After about 20 minutes it moved beyond the 100-degree point. Probe shut down oven at 125.

Moved it to the preheated griddle that had been oiled with bacon fat. Seared quickly so flipped it after about 5 minutes. Then flipped it back after 6-7 min. Flipped a third time and left it on for 3-4 minutes.

Served a rare steak that was well cooked and tasted great.

Next Time – Dry brine the steak. The 125 probe setting was a little low or else the griddle needed to be preheated longer so it was actually at 400. It did not seem that hot.