Sweet + Hot Pepper Ferments

9/1/2019 – We made two different ferments with Sweet Banana peppers and Hot Hungarian Wax peppers from our garden. They should have been based on our first pepper ferment, done in a hurry while pickling peppers but we did not record what we did. So, we do not know the salt percent of the brine. As past ferments with jalapenos were not crunchy until the brine was 6%, we made both these with a 6% brine.

  1. Chopped both peppers into 1/2 to 3/4″ lengths.
  2. Cleaned garlic cloves.
  3. Layered the peppers with garlic cloves into the jars at the following levels:
    1. The 3 pint-jars had about;
      1. 2/3rds sweet peppers to 1/3 hot; i.e. 2:1
      2. 2 large garlic cloves each pint
      3. 1 tsp yellow mustard seed each pint
      4. 1 tsp celery seed each pint
    2. The 1 quart-jar had about:
      1. equal amounts of sweet to hot peppers;
      2. 6 large garlic cloves
      3. 3 tsp yellow mustard seed
      4. 3 tsp celery seed

Note the quart jar’s ratio of sweet banana peppers to the hot Hungarian is 1:1. And, it has 50% more mustard and celery seed plus 50% more garlic.

On Friday, September the 13th–13 days of fermenting–I tried some banana slices from a pint jar that are 2 parts sweet to 1 part hot. They were VERY hot. They were also a bit rubbery.

9/22/2019 – Since the first tasting they have been in the refrigerator and later servings were not painfully hot. They did not seem rubbery but could have been a little more crunchy. I had them with smoked pork sandwiches and ham sandwiches and they were very tasty when eaten with something else. By themselves, with nothing else being chewed, they are spicy…but no more than most commercial pickled jalapenos.