Yorkshire Pudding as of 1904

From Cooking In Old Créole Days. La Cuisine Créole À L’Usage Des Petits Ménages. By Célestine Eustis. Published 1904.


One and a half pints of milk, six large tablespoonfuls of flour, three eggs, one small spoonful of salt. Put the flour into a basin with the salt, and stir into it gradually enough milk to make a stiff batter. When perfectly smooth, add the rest of the milk, and the eggs well beaten. Beat the mixture for a few moments and pour it into a shallow tin, which has previously been well rubbed with beef drippings. Put the pudding into the oven and bake for one hour, then for half an hour place it under the beef, to catch a little of the gravy. Cut the pudding into small square pieces. Put them on a hot dish and serve. If the meat is baked, the pudding may at once be placed under it, resting the meat on a small three-cornered stand.–KATIE SEABROOK, Pres. McKinley’s Cook.


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