1/11/2020 – This is our second ferment with our bok choy and mustard greens from the garden with store-bought cauliflower. The first ferment was great so we did not change much. This time we added the Daikon Radishes from the garden as there is a lot of them. We used the same level of cayenne flakes from our garden; i.e. 2 teaspoons per quart.
A fierce storm front was blowing through while we made this.
- 2 quarts Bok Choy, chopped into 1-1/2″ strips
- 2 quarts Mustard Greens, chopped into 1-1/2″ strips
- 2 quarts Cauliflower, broken into small chunks
- 2 quarts of Daikon Radish roots chopped into bite-size pieces.
- 3 cups Carrot, cut into 1/4? thick coins
- 1 cup of Garlic cloves rough chopped
- 2 tsp/Qt. cayenne pepper flakes from our garden
- 6% Brine

- In the 1/2 gallon jars, Mary put in 2 rounded teaspoons of cayenne flakes to the bottom of the jar and the 2nd to the top.
- Added the ingredients in layers beginning with bok choy.
- As we had finished a jar of the original ferment and had brine left, Mary put 3 tablespoons in each 1/2-gallon jar and 2 in the 1-quart jar.
- Mixed a 6% brine and filled them to the shoulder.
- Made three 1/2-gallon jars and one quart.

3/11/2020 – Tried it for the first time and at room temperature the carrots, daikon radish roots, and cauliflower were nicely crunchy. It was not salty but was hot. Next time reduce the cayenne pepper flakes; although they were from our garden so likely hotter than store bought.