Smoked Roast, Chicken, & Butternut Squash

Smoked on the Rectec: Chuck roast, Chicken thighs, Stuffed Chicken Breast wrapped in thick-sliced bacon from Rouses, and a split butternut squash. Put all but the squash on at the same time at 10:15 AM with the Recteq at 225°.

Chicken thighs

  1. Seasoned with Creole seasoning and 6pogs on the rib side
  2. Smoked 3 hours 15 minutes to an average IT of 180
  3. Wrapped in foil to rest.

Stuffed Bacon Wrapper Chicken Breast

  1. Seasoned with 6POGS.
  2. Smoked 3 hours 15 minutes to an average IT of 180°.
  3. Wrapped in foil to rest.

Chuck Roast using process and temps from Kent Collins.

  1. Dry brined with salt immediately before smoking [should have let brined overnight but Mary was hungry]. Then seasoned with 6POGS.
  2. 3:30 PM the roast IT was 155°, was dark from the smoke, and looked like it was drying out. Pulled, wrapped, added more 6POGS, and moved into the kitchen oven set to 225° with the probe set to turn off at 200°.
  3. When reached 188 it seemed to be stuck there. Pulled it and it was not as tender as expected but it was dinner time. The flavor was ok. Sliced thin and cold the next day it is ok tender and has a great smoke ring.

Butternut Squash

  1. At 2:45 PM, split and seeded small butternut squash and put it in the smoker with the roast.
  2. At 3:30 PM when the roast was pulled, pulled the squash halves and moved into the kitchen oven with the roast after seasoning with butter, salt, pepper, and thyme. They look a bit smoked but Mary rubbed on the cold butter slices without burning her hands.
  3. They overcooked in the oven with the roast that stuck (see above) but were still good. The 45 minutes of smoke was a good thing.