Won on Ebay on Aug. 18, 2013 for $15.51 plus $7.30 for shipping from Kimbolton, Ohio. Seller was roxene59. She responded that it was “purchased it from a farm sale near Dresden, Ohio. Right next door to where David Longenberg … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on Aug. 18, 2013 for $15.51 plus $7.30 for shipping from Kimbolton, Ohio. Seller was roxene59. She responded that it was “purchased it from a farm sale near Dresden, Ohio. Right next door to where David Longenberg … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on July 30, 2013 for $18.50 plus $14.05 shipping from Muskegon, Michigan. Sold by sandra3758. The description said it was “black” and when it arrived it had clearly been painted with black paint. She said this pot … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on July 20, 2013 for $36.55 plus $17.30 shipping from Washington, Pennsylvania. Seller was kistlerinternetauctions who sold it for someone that buys in estate sales in that area-the southwestern corner of Pennsylvania. Kistler Internet Auctions, 445 Jefferson … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on May 12, 2013 for $69.88 with $16.00 shipping from Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. The seller was schildty231. The Seller responded to my inquiry about the skillet’s history saying “this skillet came from a Mt. Joy Pa home where … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on April 23, 2013 from Norwich, New York. Seller was keepers52. Given to Jeff for his 34th birthday. … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on April 16, 2013. Seller was old*griz*dog from Lafayette, Indiana. Given to Jeff for his 34th birthday. His response to my inquiry was that he bought it at an estate auction in Lafayette where “a lot” of … Continue reading
Won on Ebay on April 11, 2013 for $24.95 plus $18.30 shipping from Ashland, Pennsylvania. Seller was Ed known on Ebay as dealing-post. He said “what I know about this griddle is that it came from a farm in center … Continue reading
Bought on ebay on Apr 01, 2013 for $43.00 plus shipping for $16.95 from Salem, Virginia. Sold by jjcool70 who said he bought in at an estate auction. When it arrived the prior seasoning was worse than it looked in … Continue reading
No. 8 Wapak Cast Iron Skillet PN 101A bought from sausross who took my offer on March 09, 2013 for $40 plus $12 shipping from Portland, Oregon. … Continue reading
No. 6 Wapak cast iron skillet. Won on ebay on March 12, 2013 for $39.99 plust shipping for $15.00 from Gunnison, Colorado, Sold by treasurehunt81230. … Continue reading