Cut up the 9.8 lb. butt into steaks about 3/4″ thick, small roast and tasso. They turned out great and was a good way to have different dishes all week.
September 10, 2016 – Saturday – Ambient temp in the low 90s temp and humid.
11:30 AM – Put it into the MES that was warming up to 225. At 12 noon it was steady but the smoke was thin. Opened and relite several times up to 12:30.
1:00 – Steady but thin blue smoke.
Took kitchen’s ceiling fan to get fixed as speed control quit. Rehung it about 4:30 and it worked.
5:00 – Pulled all and left Tasso to cool.
Seemed a bit dry but was tender and spicer but not too much. Wrapped larger pieces and roast and put into convection oven at 325.
~6:00 – Sliced the steaks and ate. A bit dry and chewy. [They had cooked too long; i.e. 6 hrs or not as below when warmed they were fine. Perhaps cooling off the reheating cooked them to done. Note below that they were good later when warmed in the steamer.]
~8:30 – ChefAlarm set at 195 alarmed. Took all wrapped pieces out and left to cool.
9:00 – Packed into plastic-ware, sealed and put into refer.
Tuesday following Saturday’s smoke – The largest piece that was a small roast was reheated in the steamer for maybe 20 minutes. Sliced two “steaks” about 1/2″ thick and it was tender and moist. Great!
Later – Mary chopped up one steak and split it in two lunches. The bite size pieces were great. For another meal she steamed the second steak and it was great. The thin bark was flavorful, the meat was firm but tender and moist even though I did not add sauce.