Daikon Radish with Carrots & Ginger Fermented

2/26/2020 – After reading many recipes we decided to try it like this. It made two one-quart jars.


1.25 Lbs. (20 oz.) radishes from the garden
11 oz. carrots
4 large green onions from the garden
1 tbsp minced ginger in each jar.
6% brine solution


  1. Cut radishes and carrots into thick slices like a pickle wedge. The target mix was 2:1.
  2. Cut green onions into one-inch long pieces.
  3. Filled the jars alternately with all ingredients although the ginger was in the bottom half.
  4. Filled with the brine solution.
  5. Added glass weights and rubber fermentation lid.
  6. Put in the storage room to ferment.