Pork Roast Smoked in MES then Kettle

7/3/2018 – This smoke went very different as the MES quit heating about 2 hours in. So moved it to the Weber Kettle to finish and it turned out very good. The butt and 3 small tasso pieces were rubbed heavy with 5POGS.

Cleaned up the little bit of extra fat on a 9 lb. roast and separated the point from the money end the afternoon before and added Kosher salt to dry brine to smoke today. Rubbed in a liberal coating of 5POGS on all pieces including three smaller pieces trimmed for seasoning meat.

Forgot to start it early as was focused on selling stuff for the move and Curtis to come by at 8:30 and we load the sage green couch. Mary took it out about 9 AM.

10 am – Put it into the MES that was preheated with the setting at 250 and had coasted up to 270 when opened.  Had all pecan pellets in the AMAZEN tray with one end lit.

12:15 – Found MES down to 177, red light on but burner off. Lit ~15 briquettes to start the Slow-n-Sear in the kettle.

12:45  – Kettle is ready with a chunk of pecan smoking.  Put in the prices of meat and temp rose to 265. IT of the thick piece of meat is 140.

1:30 – Kettle is at 306 and IT on the thick piece IT is 148.  Removed the three small tasso pieces.

2:30 – Kettle temp is 306 and IT is 172.

4:30 – Meat IT is 200. Pulled and wrapped to rest until dinner time.

Conclusion – The tasso pieces were very good and will be great added to gumbo or other dishes. The chunks were moist and tender with a lot of good bark flavor.